Paris Hotel with Eiffel Tower. Photo taken from
the magnificent Bellogio Hotel with it's spectacular dancing waters, to the left in the photo.
One view of the lobby staircase at the Bellogio Hotel...
what elegance!
That couple sitting on the stairs must have walked about
as much as we did.
Every hotel is better than the last one...and New York,
New York is no exception!
This is a hotel replica of the Big Apple and when you walk
through it you feel like you are walking in Central Park or down one of the many streets of the great city . Running
in and out and all around is a large roller coaster...but not for this couple.
I believe Las Vegas has more naked stone statues
than any other place in the country...they are everywhere!

Paris Hotel at night...another view, simply spectacular!!!
The Monte Carlo Hotel...every hotel wants to be better
than the last new hotel.
The entrance at the Bellogio Hotel. We enjoyed the
dancing waters choreographed to the Italian music playing loudly.

The spectacular Lexor Hotel gives you the feel of being
in one of the Egyptian pyramids. This is a wonderful hotel with lots of special stone carvings. It is shaped like
a solid black pyramid, with a single search light shining from the top. You can see the glowing light
over the skies of Las Vegas at night. When it was built, the FAA had a problem with flights in the area and they have
to fly around this search light. Pretty impressive...!