Well, we compete in dance competitions, play a little golf, travel around the country and now we have added
a new hobby...we started a little band.

If we didn't have enough on our plate, we were at one of our favorite clubs one night and
Kathy won an autographed acoustic guitar. Chris Wall, writer of the country song "Trashy Women"...nothing personal,
signed the guitar. What do you do, but learn to play the guitar. One thing led to another and with the help of
one of our close friends, who just happens to have a little blues band, found us some good deals at the local pawn shops.
Now in addition to the acoustic guitar, we have two electric guitars and five amps. Ronnie has been trying his hand
at learning the keyboard...yes, when we start a new project, it's all the way baby! So, we bought a new keyboard and
Ronnie also has harmonica's in every key. How do we have time to work...?
When we first started our competiton dancing, we decided it would be a good idea to put our
dancing on the floor in front of an audience before we actually went live on the big competition dance floor. So, we
danced for a couple of nursing homes. And it was a good thing we did....we learned about the adrelin rush and
getting turned around due to being in a different location than we practiced every day. We learned from it and
it made our first competition a little easier. And they enjoyed our show as well.
So from that experience we decided it would be a good idea to take our little blues band to a couple
of nursing homes and retirement centers to work out the kinks. Our little newbie band probably enjoyed it more than
they did.
