Asheville & Charlotte,
North Carolina...
Biltmore Mansion in Ashville, NC |
April 9, 1865 - Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia |
McLean house where Lee surrendered to Grant ending Civil War |
Norfolk, Virginia...
Battleship Wisconsin in Norfolk harbor |
Nuclear submarine at the Norfolk Naval Base |

St. Louis, Missouri...
Top of the St. Louis Arch...what a view! |
Classic Cars near St.Louis...awesome! No Ronnie, can't aford it. |
Sorry Ronnie, I don't think we can aford ANY of these fine cars... |
OK Ronnie, we might be able to aford this classic... |
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The haunted Crescent Hotel - Eureka Springs, AR |
Billy Graham Library with his childhood home & prayer garden - Charlotte, NC |
Appomatox Courthouse, Virginia...
Inside the McLean house in Appomattox, Virginia - 1865 |
Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, NJ |
* * * * *
Midtown Fire Station - Lost firemen on 911... |
Washington, DC...
Ford's Theatre...not what we expected. 1950's front? |
Row after row of graves at Arlington National Cemetery |
* * * * *
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania...
The spot where Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address |
Detroit, Michigan...
Motown Recording Museum - Detroit, MI |
GM Tower in Detroit looking across the river from Canada... |
Eureaka Springs, Arkansas...
The Butler makes a GREAT Ghost Tour Guide... |
Ask us about the unexplained visitor we had show up
at our door early in the morning...
I believe!
Billy Graham Chapel in the woods at his training center in Ashville, NC |
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There were many graves of unknown soldiers by the end of the Civil War |
Virginia Beach, Virginia...
NEW YORK CITY, NY on 9/ we were
stopped to take photos of the fire station, the alarm sounded and the door started to open...WOW that really scared us!
People left flowers and notes at the fire station for the 911 anniversary. Pretty awesome when those big trucks rolled
out of the station. You can see so much pride.
National Mall with the Washington Monument & Capital Bldg. |
Lincoln Memorial Statue Inside |
* * * * *
Pictorial of Battle at Gettysburg |
Gettysburg was the deadliest battle of the Civil War |
Canton & Cleveland, Ohio...
Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio |
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame - Cleveland, OH |
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Eureaka Springs, AR |
Christ of the Ozarks has a Passion Play every year. |